(2 Ratings)

Photography Crash Course for Beginners

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MTSN 3 Madiun
(2 Reviews)

Photography Crash Course for Beginners

  • Overview
  • Curriculum
  • Reviews
  • Instructor

Nam vel lacus eu nisl bibendum accumsan vitae vitae nibh. Nam nec eros id magna hendrerit sagittis. Nullam sed mi non odio feugiat volutpat sit amet nec elit. Maecenas id hendrerit ipsum. Sed eget auctor metus, ac dapibus dolor. Nam vel lacus eu nisl bibendum accumsan vitae vitae nibh.

Himenaeos. Vestibulum sollicitudin varius mauris non dignissim. Sed quis iaculis est. Nulla quam neque, interdum vitae fermentum lacinia, interdum eu magna. Mauris non posuere tellus. Donec quis euismod tellus. Nam vel lacus eu nisl bibendum accumsan vitae vitae nibh. Nam nec eros id magna hendrerit sagittis. Nullam sed mi non odio feugiat volutpat sit amet nec elit. Maecenas id hendrerit ipsum. Sed eget auctor metus, ac dapibus dolo

Nam vel lacus eu nisl bibendum accumsan vitae vitae nibh. Nam nec eros id magna hendrerit sagittis. Nullam sed mi non odio feugiat volutpat sit amet nec elit. Maecenas id hendrerit ipsum. Sed eget auctor metus, ac dapibus dolor. Nam vel lacus eu nisl bibendum accumsan vitae vitae nibh.

  • Nam at elit nec neque suscipit gravida.
  • Aenean egestas orci eu maximus tincidunt.
  • Curabitur vel turpis id tellus cursus laoreet.

Starting Beginners Level Course

Nam vel lacus eu nisl bibendum accumsan vitae vitae nibh. Nam nec eros id magna hendrerit sagittis. Nullam sed mi non odio feugiat volutpat sit amet nec elit. Maecenas id hendrerit ipsum. Sed eget auctor metus, ac dapibus dolor. Nam vel lacus eu nisl bibendum accumsan vitae vitae nibh.

Introduction & Get Started

Artboards & Raster Layers

Creative Layer Styles

Work with Smart Objects

Repair Your Photos

2 Reviews

MTSN 3 Madiun


Great course. Well structured, paced and I feel far more confident using this software now then I did back in school when I was learning. And the guy doing the voice over really is great at what he does. I will probably do the course again and look at what other courses this instructor provides. Great quality and well worth the cost.

MTSN 3 Madiun


Every section has been well discussed in the course. It\'s definitely easy to understand. But I hope all activities sent was reviewed because, for some, it\'s still a basis for improvement. Overall, it\'s a course worth to recommend!!!

MTSN 3 Madiun


Course Features

  • Duration:1 Hour
  • Lessons:15
  • Students:Max 15
  • Videos:10 Hours
  • Skill LeveAdvanced
  • LanguageEnglish
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What Will You Learn?

  • Design icons, business cards, illustrations, and characters
  • Clean up face imperfections, improve and repair photos
  • Use creative effects to design stunning text styles
  • Remove people or objects from photos
  • Cut away a person from their background
  • Master selections, layers, and working with the layers panel

Course Content

Introduction & Get Started

Artboards & Raster Layers

Creative Layer Styles

Work with Smart Objects

Repair Your Photos

Student Ratings & Reviews

Total 2 Ratings
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2 Ratings
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0 Rating
6 years ago
Great course. Well structured, paced and I feel far more confident using this software now then I did back in school when I was learning. And the guy doing the voice over really is great at what he does. I will probably do the course again and look at what other courses this instructor provides. Great quality and well worth the cost.
6 years ago
Every section has been well discussed in the course. It's definitely easy to understand. But I hope all activities sent was reviewed because, for some, it's still a basis for improvement.
Overall, it's a course worth to recommend!!!
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